Yesterday the windows started to be placed. A bit of clarity for the location of a few was required today, so Maxim and I went out to Darivka and did so. They’re pretty, and it was good again to see that the men who are putting them in are specialists in this specific part of the project. They don’t claim to know how to do everything well, They know how to put in windows well. This was a challenge with those workers out at the worksite this past year as they claimed to know how to do everything well. 
God is good and he is faithful, and I am so very grateful for his continued provision.

Something you can be in prayer for, Pasha, one of the two co-owners is the proud papa of a new little baby girl as of this morning, simply pray for he and his wife 
as they begin to raise this new life.

We made these back bedroom windows accessible for the guys to open by creating a lower latch for them to lift up on. All of the bedroom windows will give them this new freedom.

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