Over the passed two months we’ve had three trainings for those who will be planning to work in Stephen’s Home.

Our first training session was October 31st to November 1st

Those that took part in this first training included the two potential couples who will help as parents for the guys we’ll bring into Stephen’s Home. Since this training we’ve had further conversations with each couple as we’ve also continued to prepare all the legal aspects needed for this first home. Further talks will continue, but for the full-time couple, please pray with us as we are coming close to making a final decision to bring them on.

Slava and his wife Nataliya

~ getting started ~

Sergei and Marina

Nataliya and Nadejda Borisevna

The second training covered the same materials that the first did, with a second group of 10 differents folks from the PROMISE staff and local churches who plan to help out at Stephen’s Home. The focus for the 1st day was Trauma and the impacts of it. The 2nd day of training focused on early childhood separation, the impacts during childhood and its effects long term.

Training #3 included 10 of the previous participants, including the couples preparing to fill the role of houseparents and other who plan to work in the home.

Slava and his wife Nataliya with Oksana in the foreground, Ludmila was our trainer again
for these session this past Saturday, the 21st of December.

Discussion groups were formed – the topic for this day was how a person with disabilities affects others in the home and how they are perceived effects them as well.

Presentations of each group helped share thoughts, but allowed Ludmila to make us think deeper and gain a better understanding.

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