May 30th
A very long day, finding out at a long meeting in the morning that there are problems with the quality of materials used for the project & that this could cause some set backs if the materials in question have to be removed and redone. Prayerful and asking lots of questions. Learning a lot in the process. Trying to trust the Lord in all things & prayerful that He will provide the answers we need to move forward.
The Lord has a way of brightening my days
May 31st
The construction came to a slow, back fill around the house was the main order for the day. I learned to put insulation on the lower foundation of the house, the portion that will then also be covered with backfill.
The guys continued their efforts on the walls of the septic tank.
& we got a second opinion on the quality control problem concerning the concrete, though making some progress in the right direction, still prayerful for wisdom as there are a lot of unanswered questions.