For many of you keeping up with Oksana, one of the gals who’s close to my heart, she is so looking forward to having a place in Naomi’s home. When I shared with her this last week that we bought land for Naomi’s home it […]

Today is Friday Jennifer and Joe Brown offered their time again today to work with Sasha to transplant trees, take out trees that got infected and put in new trees in the therapy garden at the Stephen’s Home plot before winter sets in. So grateful […]

THE HOUSE DESIGN FOR STEPHEN”S HOME This is what we are going with, the Ukrainian designers approval of the floor plans we submitted to them with very minor changes. From here the construction designs can begin.

So the unanimous vote by the board was for option #1. The owner was willing to come down in price to $8000 and this past Tuesday, October 14th, the payment was made and ownership papers were given over to our director, Sasha, on behalf of […]