Viktoriya is a single mother of four. She learned about the PROMISE ministry more two years ago. She got to know Alys West in the local church that both of them have attended. Viktoriya helped as a volunteer at Stephen’s Home to prepare the building for the Grand Opening. She went through special trainings and is ready and willing to work.

If He Can Use Me
My Story
I, Victoriіa Pіdgіrna, was born on June 6, 1983 in Kherson. I was born into a family without a father. My mother raised me herself. My grandparents died when I was not even a year old. From the age of four on, I went to gymnastic classes. I was seven years old when my mother believed in God and we began to go to church. I still remember my Sunday school lessons; I would like to go back to that time.
In my childhood, I played musical instruments, the violin and piano, and attended music school. I finished it but as we did not have any musical instrument at home, I did not continue my studies at the musical college. Over the years, I learned a lot about God and his Word, but my life outwardly, was different in reality. When I became a teenager, I got very interested in punk and informal movements. Because of this, I began to distance myself from the church. At eighteen, I found myself a biker husband and moved to Kiev with him. At the age of nineteen, I became a mother: our daughter was born. I had to take care of the child, but my husband continued to lead a riotous lifestyle, no one in the family earned a living. I took my daughter and left for Kherson. My husband came to Kherson for me, opened a furniture store so that I could return to him. Unfortunately, his business didn’t last long since he didn’t want to work more than two hours a day. We broke up.
After a while, I met another man who seemed reliable to me. Our daughter was born. Later it turned out that he had a quick-tempered and violent character, and it only softened when he drank. We often quarreled, and I went to live with my mother, and then returned to him. Then I met another man. I became pregnant and broke up with the father of my second daughter. I was left alone with three children. Leaving the children with my mother, I went to work in Dubai, Egypt. I sold soft drinks, worked in a toy store, and later as a waitress in a biker cafe.
Then something happened to my health. My head ached constantly. I had to leave my job and return to Ukraine. A few years earlier, I had had epileptic seizures, but the doctors did not know why they occurred. It turned out to be a meningioma. I had a tumor that even led to a deformation of the skull in the temporal lobe. The doctors did not give me more than 2-3 months to live. It was necessary to collect 200,000 hryvnia (8 thousand dollars) for the surgery. I understood that I needed to turn to God for help, and if I died, I would be with Him. Together with my children and my mother, we began to go to church. And we found the One, the Word of God touched me. I repented and asked God for forgiveness for everything. Moreover, God did a miracle: through many people and even from other countries, people responded to the need and the amount collected was the required amount for the surgery. In 2018, I underwent an operation – the tumor was removed.
After the surgery, I felt like I’d forgotten how to speak Russian, and could only speak English. Some of my memories were erased, and I got fatigued quickly. It was difficult for me to recall and remember names. It took me six months to memorize the names of my own children. I had to relearn to speak Russian, learning simple words.
At the church I attend, I met Alys and learned about the ministry to orphans with disabilities. Alys offered me a job that would be within my strength: helping as the homekeeper in cleaning, washing, ironing, and help to the cook in the kitchen. I am grateful to God for the opportunity to serve Him through this and for everything that He does in my life.